Resoland workshop no.2

(3.-5.7.2012) Topic: Mike Auldridge-founder of modern Dobro playing

Another “from” Henrich Novak’s workshops held in the first weekend of August, this time in the spirit of the work of a giant, innovator, and legend Mike Auldridge. For the purpose of this workshop, Henrich chose five tracks of before mentioned author and artist, on which he demonstrated the characteristics of Auldridge’s style. Along with the students he underwent those compositions to general music analysis and various technical and expressive elements were also subjected to deeper analysis, through which participants had learned how to manage them technically and also the principle of their application in students’ own musical expression.

During Friday afternoon the attendants descended on the venue. In addition to students who attended the previous course or take the regular online lessons with Henrich, there appeared also some new faces too. Everybody’s first task was pleasant “tune-up”, and especially in terms of mental tuning for the upcoming teaching that is expected over the weekend. The evening was marked by friendly conversations, visits to a local pub nearby where some participants also resolved to jam.

On Saturday morning, getting up quite early. At eight o’clock they were all at breakfast, then have a morning cup of coffee and then take off the study itself. There was a lot of work to be done, as well as lots of new information and knowledge acquired. However, students were motivated by the previous evening’s listening, played, and worked hard with short breaks and lunch pause up until the evening. In the evening are running wide discussions on the newly acquired knowledge and experience at the fireplace with a barbecue, whereupon unleashed a jam, with the participation of the course, ‘s all students and instructor himself.

On Sunday, all worked equally hard to the advanced afternoon. Finally, Henrich summarized new knowledge, explained their relation to information obtained in previous courses, and students had the opportunity to ask questions, clarify and fine-tune their latest discrepancies. Then they all rode happily home with the promise of another meeting possibly in the fall.

The tunes taught at this workshop:

  • It’s Over
  • Pickaway
  • All Thumbs
  • Killing Me Softly
  • This Ain’t Grass

Pictures from Resoland no.2 are here:

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